Friday, August 19, 2011

10 ways to optimize your website for better Search Engine rankings – Part 2


Even though flash looks really... well... flashy... and it makes your site interactive, it does not really do anything to help along your ranking. Let say you create your whole top navigation for your website using flash: You will have 5 menu items, with 5 sub items each. That’s 25 links that could be used by search crawlers to index your site better. However, with flash, your menu will just be placed as an <object> on in your markup and this is how the crawlers will see it.

You can however use flash to have some rotating images or similar on your site, but make sure if you have multiple links with it that they are placed separately and not in the object itself.
It is very important to add meta data for ALL your images on your site. If you have a bunch of images on your site with no meta data, the crawlers are going to find them but won’t be able to link them back to anything. Remember that the crawlers only find the image object in your markup and can’t read anything out of the actual image. (Google has however added on an image search feature where you can specify colours which is pretty neat.)

When creating images, add alt and title properties that hold all the information about the image. In this way the search engines can link these when you do image searches.

<img src=”images/one.jpg” alt=”a big one in a star” title=”a big one in a star” />

Social Media

A great way to make your website more popular is to get it on as many social networking sites as possible. As I’ve said before, the more links you have to your site, the better – and having your link posted all over social networking sites does exactly that.

Of course it is also better to have your links on the most popular ones first, since the better your site ranks in search engines, the more the crawlers will run through it to check for new content. Thus if your link is on Facebook, Flickr, Tumblr, Twitter, etc. you know that external linking will happen quickly.

End Part 2

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